© 2002 Julie G. DeGroat

Travel Journal, Page 9


19 June 2002
Oh, what a tired doll I am this evening! As promised, Robert took me to work for the day, to SUN Microsystems. The best part is that Hitty Henrietta insisted that I borrow trousers, (she calls them 'jeans') and a sweater for the trip. I was very skeptical but they turned out to be oh, so comfortable and perfect for my day's trip.
Robert explained that SUN is the company that makes some of the biggest computers in the world! The kind that run huge important websites or databases for big companies. Robert's job is to care for the SUN "Servers" (as he called the big computers) that the Sun employees use for SUN's own websites, databases, program development, and many other things. The computers are all kept in special rooms that are air conditioned and humidified, (because it is so dry in Colorado that static electricity could ruin them), and only the people who take care of them are allowed into those rooms. I also got to see some beautiful flowers and land outside, and I got to meet all of the people Robert works with! He got me several SUN souvenirs. I will save the rest for later because Robert has promised to help me to create a nice webpage to share my adventure.

21 June 2002
It is hard to believe, but my Colorado adventure is nearly over. Sara was hoping to take me on one last trip this weekend, but sadly we can't go hiking. I'm very sorry to have missed out on an outdoor adventure in beautiful Colorado, but Sara says she just doesn't know for sure where it's safe to hike. She says you never know where the smoke might be, (and you're NEVER suppose to exercise out in the smoke), and she says that many parks and trails are actually closed to prevent more fires from starting.

25 June 2002
Well, I did get to stay a few extra days because the tasks Sara and I set ourselves, of photographing all of my souvenirs and transcribing my entire journal to share with other Hitty friends has turned out to be a little time-consuming. But at last I am ready to continue my adventures with Jackie in Pittsburgh. I have to say that I am not sorry to be traveling to a place where I hope the daily temperatures are lower than 95. Perhaps Pittsburgh will be more humid as well. I don't think the climate here in Colorado is very kind to a lady's skin! I will miss Sara and Robert but as usual, I am beginning to have the 'itch' to get on with my travels. Pittsburgh, here I come!

25 June 2002 (later)
Oh, I never expected it but Sara has just given me the most wonderful surprise as a parting gift! As I said, she bought me my own copy of Hitty on our first day. It was just an ordinary paper back copy but she said it was only proper that I have my own, and that it was special because it was a souvenir of the shop where we bought it. When I asked for it a few days later she said it was already packed. Little did I know! She has just given me my book back, completely transformed! She has covered the surface in a beautiful handmade paper with flower petals. Now instead of a common paperback it is my very own unique, one-of-a-kind Hitty book! I will treasure it always. What a perfectly lovely ending to my stay with the Coles!


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Page Six Page Seven
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Page Twelve Page Thirteen
Page Fourteen



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