Hittygirls 4th Annual Hitty's Birthday Swap
It's a New Hat!

Must be a member of Yahoo Hittygirls group
and have met all previous swap commitments to play.

You must include your full name, address, telephone number, and email.
If you sign up without this info, you will not be able to play.

Please Note: We do not collect or distribute your personal information,
except to the Swap Leader and your Swap Partner.


Must be mailed before or by January 16th, to arrive by Hitty's birthday, the 22nd.

Your Swap Leader is Julie Old Crow click the link with any questions, or to sign up.

Laurel and Nancy
Julie and Fung
Julie and Shirley C.
Pauline and Michelle
Margie and Melanie
Debbie and Karen
Teddie and Becky V.

This swap is to celebrate the Real Hitty's Real Birthday on January 22nd.
We will exchange one hat. NO EXTRAs in this swap, please, one hat only.

Hats may be (but are not limited to):

Think fancy and fun!

Have fun!

From Pauline to Michelle

From Shirley to Julie

From Julie to Fung

From Fung to Julie

From Michelle to Pauline

From Melanie to Margie

From Karen to Debbie

From Becky to Teddie