In Which We Discuss Hitty: Her First Hundred Years
Written by Rachel Field, illustrated by Dorothy Lathrop

Check out our Chapter Hittys

Hitty Moon and her new model of the Diana Kate.

Comments on Various Subjects from our Hittygirls Members


#1 In Which I Begin My Memoirs

Create Phoebe's fur muff and tippit

Synopsis of discussion.

#2 In Which I Go Up In the World and am Glad to Come Down Again

Make a Hitty-scaled Sling-shot

Synopsis of discussion.

#3 In Which I Travel--By Land and Sea

Make a knitting basket for Hitty.

Synopsis of discussion.

#4 In Which We Go To Sea

Make a Rope Hammock for Hitty.

Synopsis of discussion.

#5 In Which We Strike Our First and Last Whales

Find a vintage whale print online, print it out Hitty-scale, and frame it.

Synopsis of discussion.

#6 In Which I Join the Fishes and Rejoin the Prebles

Make Hitty an Island Feast with "...fruits of various sorts....and coconuts."

Synopsis of discussion.

#7 In Which I Learn the Ways of Gods, Natives, and Monkeys

Make a Hitty bonnet to replace Mrs. Preble's sacrificed beaver bonnet.

Synopsis of discussion.


#8 In Which I Am Lost In India

Make a coral necklace for Hitty from '..round, red coral beads."

Synopsis of discussion.

#9 In Which I Have Another Child to Play With Me

Make a shawl from a scrap of fabric, just like Little Thankful made from a scrap of her sash.

Synopsis of discussion.

#10 In Which I Am Rescued and Hear Adelina Patti

Make a brown cape and hood, like the one Clarissa Pryce lost at the concert.

Synopsis of discussion.

#11 In Which I Sit for My Daguerreotype and Meet a Poet

Create A daguerreotype of your Hitty.

Synopsis of discussion.

#12 In Which I Go Into Camphor, Reach New York, and Become a Doll of Fashion

Create a Hitty-sized copy of the book Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens

Synopsis of discussion.

#13 In Which I Spend a Disastrous New Year's and Return to New England

Make Hitty an apron like Mrs. Brackett's apron.

Synopsis of discussion.

#14 In Which I End My Hay-Days and Begin a New Profession

Create a Miniature bouquet of white flowers in a lace-paper holder.

Synopsis of discussion.

#15 In Which I learn Much of Plantations, Post Offices, and Pin Cushions

Take a Picture of Your Hitty as a pincushion, like the one the Ticket Agent's Wife created.

Synopsis of discussion.

#16 In Which I Return to Familiar Scenes

Find one of the following items for Hitty:
(in china) a spotted dog, a cat, a lamb, a rabbit, a setting hen, a goose, a gazelle, or a porcelain pig.

Synopsis of discussion.

#17 In Which I am Sold at Auction

Create a Hitty-scaled bead bag, as carried by the rival bidder.

Synopsis of discussion.

Final Remarks Section

Make a braided rug for Hitty.

Synopsis of discussion.